My Research


I conducted my first independent research for my undergraduate thesis, for which I received summa cum laude honors at CU Boulder. To build my expertise as a researcher and scientist, I chose FSU for graduate school. Here, I completed specialized interdisciplinary research training through two US Department of Education training grants. To extend this training, I chose research methodology and advanced statistical analysis as my area of specialization for my doctoral training.

Focusing on statistics and research methods during my graduate studies allowed me to contribute to a diverse range of projects. Since transitioning to a postdoctoral researcher, I have continued to refine my expertise in data analytics and research methodology. In addition to completing a master’s in data analytics through WGU, I have worked on diverse research projects ranging from clinical intervention trial analysis to analyzing large samples of pediatric screening data. Much of my current work focuses on analyzing data from the First Words® Project to inform the ongoing development and optimization of its tools for screening and identifying children with early signs of autism and social communication delays through Baby Navigator™.

Ongoing Research Projects

Screening for Autism and Communication Delays Research

Data-driven Optimization of Autism Screening at Kaiser Permanente

This study is a collaborative project with Dr. Lisa Croen at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland. For this study we are utilizing their EMR data for a large cohort of children to develop a model for assessing and informing the refinement of their autism screening algorithm. The model is derived from their current screening protocol and is designed to facilitate pediatric population management by balancing the detection of autism with the costs of diagnostic referral. Model performance is being assessed with respect to both instrument accuracy and clinical-decision making, and for each step within the model, we are identifying key mechanisms for bench-marking and program optimization.

Validating the ESAC in toddlers with and without social communication delay.

The primary goals of this study were identify underlying social communication dimensions of the Early Screening for Autism and Communication Disorder (ESAC), examine the relationship between these dimensions and social communication ability, and explore differences in these dimensions between children with delays and those with typical development. This study used a combination factor analysis, linear modeling, and discriminant analysis with a sample of 908 children who were screened with the ESAC between 12 and 25 months of age. Results of this study optimized the item set of the screening tool with the intention of improving its accuracy in distinguishing children with social communication delays. Analysis Code

Characterization of Early Social Communication Research

Using machine learning to identify distinct profiles of early social communication skills.

The primary aim of this study is to use supervised machine learning to identify combinations of social communication skills in the second year of life that best distinguish children with autism from children without autism. We used conditional classification tree modeling with cross-validation to identify an optimal model based a sample of 994 children. Results of this study provided insights about key indicators that predict diagnostic outcomes. Analysis Code

Modeling differences in social communication change from 12 to 24 months of age.

The primary goal of this study is investigate differences in social communication change over the second year of life based on diagnostic outcomes near the age of three. To do this we estimated linear mixed models using scores from the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales at two time points in a sample of 385 children with autism, developmental delays, or typical development. This study builds on the study above to inform the development of an streamlined identification process for children with autism and communication delays. Analysis Code

Published Papers

Sheldrick, R. C., Hooker, J. L., Carter, A. S., Feinberg, E. Croen, L., Kuhn, J., Slate, E., & Wetherby, A. (2023). The influence of loss to follow-up in autism screening research: Taking stock and moving forward. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. DOI

Delehanty, A. D., Hooker, J. L., & Wetherby, A. M. (2023). Verbal responsiveness in parents of toddlers with and without autism during a home observation. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. DOI

Wickstrom, J., Dell’Armo, K., Salzman, E., Hooker, J. L., Delehanty, A., Bishop, S., Tassé, M. J., Wetherby, A. M. Piergies, A. M. H., Damiano, D., Rauch, A., Thurm, A. (2021). Systematic review: Recommendations for rehabilitation in ASD and ID from clinical practice guidelines. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation, 3(3), 100140.

Sparapani, N., Reinhardt, V. P., Hooker, J. L., Morgan, L., Schatschneider, C., & Wetherby, A. M. (2021). Evaluating teacher language within general and special education classrooms serving students with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(5), 2284-2299. DOI

Wetherby, A. M., Guthrie, W., Hooker, J. L., Delehanty, A., Day, T. N., Woods, J. J., Pierce, K., … & Lord, C. (2021). The Early Screening for Autism and Communication Disorders (ESAC): Field-testing an autism-specific screening tool for children 12 to 36 months of age. Autism, 25(7), 2112-2123. DOI

Delehanty, A., Lee, J., Hooker, J. L., Cortese, J., & Woods, J. (2020). Exploring message framing to engage parents in early screening for autism spectrum disorder. Patient Education and Counseling, 103(12), 2525-2531. DOI

Hooker, J. L. (2019). Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile: Caregiver Questionnaire. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Communication Science and Disorders, Florida State University. Link

Dow, D., Morgan, L., Hooker, J. L., Michaels, M., Wetherby, A. M., Woods, J. J., Joiner, T. (2019). Anxiety, depression, and suicidality in a community sample of adults with autism spectrum disorder. Archives of Suicide Research, 25(2), 297-314. DOI

Hooker, J. L., Dow, D., Morgan, L., Schatschneider, C., & Wetherby, A. M. (2019). Psychometric analysis of the repetitive behavior scale-revised using confirmatory factor analysis in children with autism. Autism Research, 12(9), 1399-1410. DOI

Morgan, L., Hooker, J. L., Sparapani, N., Reinhardt, V., Wetherby, A. M. (2018). Cluster randomized controlled trial of the classroom SCERTS intervention for elementary school students with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(7), 631-644. DOI

Professional Presentations

Hooker, J. L., Delehanty, A, & Wetherby, A.M. (2022, May). The 16 Early Sings Checklist: A Brief Observational Screener to Improve Detection of Early Signs of Autism in Very Young Children. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Austin, TX.

Hooker, J. L. & The ACE ACTION Network (2021, June). Infusing Mobile Technology in the Early Social Interaction Model for Toddlers with Early Signs of Autism: So Far so Good. Presented at the NIH Autism Centers of Excellence Annual Investigator’s Meeting, Bethesda, MA.

Wetherby, A. M., Delehanty, A., Hooker, J. L., & Woods, J. J. (2019, November). Late Bloomer, Language Delay, or Autism at 18 Months: How Can We Tell Them Apart? Seminar presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL.

Wetherby, A. M., Hooker, J. L., Delehanty, A., & Woods, J. (2019, November). Imagine 167 Hours a Week: Maximizing the Impact of the SLP Between Early Intervention Sessions. Seminar presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL.

Davis, I., Gilbert, E., Hooker, J. L., Walton-Walker, T., & Wetherby, A. M. (2019, November). Recognizing Early Signs of ASD: How SLPs Can Support and Collaborate with Early Childhood Educators. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL.

Hooker, J. L., Nottke, C., & Wetherby, A. M. (2019, May). Characterizing Adaptive Behavior in Young Children with Autism: Exploring the Gap Between IQ and Adaptive Behavior. Poster presented at the International Society for Autism Research, Montreal, Canada.

Hooker, J. L., McIlraith, A., Fitton, L., & Adlof, S. (2018, November). When a Measure Doesn’t Measure up: Guidelines for Creating and Improving Assessments for Clinical Research. Panel presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.

Wetherby, A., Zenko, C., Delehanty, A., Hooker, J. L., Morgan, L., & Woods, J. (2018, November). The extenders: Innovative service-delivery options to improve outcomes of individuals with autism across the lifespan. Panel presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.

Hooker, J. L., Delehanty, A., & Wetherby, A. M. (2017, November). Five Years Later: Outcomes of a Community Sample of Children Diagnosed with Autism at Three. Technical session presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Fitton, L., McIlraith, A., Hooker, J. L., Sparapani, N., Wood, C., & Adlof, S. (2017, November). Adapting to the Modeling Revolution: A Guide to SEM and HLM. Panel presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA.

McIlraith, A., Fitton, L., Hooker, J., Brown, J., & Hogan, T. (2017, November). A Practical Guide to Research Design. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Hooker, J. L., Morgan, L., Dasher, T., Leatzow, A. (2016, May). Using Peers as Supports for Adult College Students with ASD. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research, Baltimore, MD.

Hooker, J., Lorio, C., & Woods, J. (2015, November). Using Technology to Support Emotion Regulation in a Young Child with Autism. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Denver, CO.

Hooker, J., Livers, A., Ramassini, M., Rippon, E., Rogers, A., Woods, J., Delehanty, A., & Cripe, J. (2014, November). Self-determination and Social Competence Intervention for Tweens with ASD. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, FL.